Saturday, October 15, 2011

Brinlee's Blessing Day

The Sunday after we got back to Rexburg we had Brinlee blessed. It was really nice to have some of our family and friends there to celebrate with us. Since Nana was here she got pictures for me to use :)

Everyone that made it

 With he Mommy and Daddy

With Nana and Papa

 With Grandma and Grandpa

 I just had to get picture of her in her blessing dress because I am SO proud of it. I made it. The whole thing. Even the pattern. And I LOVE how it turned out.

 The back

 What a cutie!

 And that cute white blanket she's laying on was a gift from my good friends Jeanelle, she got it for her in Bethlehem. 

Doesn't she look so old in this picture! Okay maybe just to me who sees her everyday. 

So happy she got to wear it finally :)

And Daddy was getting a little jealous of all the pictures Brinlee was getting...

1 comment:

  1. Umm...I would appreciate being photoshopped in the group picture since we were there, but fulfilling our callings to the Church (we're very important, you know). Thanks in advance.
