Saturday, November 26, 2011


I know it's a few days late but I do want to acknowledge Thanksgiving this year because I have a lot to be thankful for. I am very thankful for my little family and especially this little cutie who wakes up so stinkin' smiley now!

*Side note: I was trying to be mad at her the other day when she woke up early from a nap but when I came to find her all smiling I just started laughing. I couldn't be mad at such a cute happy baby! 
I know I'm in trouble....

We did Thanksgiving here in Rexburg this year which was a first for both of us not to go home to Spokane. It was fun having our own with our friends Justin and Jessica but I must admit I like it better when I don't do all the cooking! I freaked out when I had to pull the giblets out of the turkey, like really freaked. I was jumping up and down and screaming/laughing. So I pulled out one thing (I don't even want to know what it was) and then Joey did the rest for me. And I totally failed at having everything warm at the same time so there was a lot of reheating going on. So yes Mom and Dad you are geniuses ;)

While I'm on the subject of my parents I do want them to know how thankful I am for them.  I cannot even begin to describe how much I love Brinlee and I am always worried about her. I'm sure that my parents were the same way with me. It's hard, so thank you Mom and Dad.

And of course Joey's parents deserve a thanks as well. He turned out great he really did. I'm sure (really sure) that he gave you some trouble along the way but you did a great job. So thanks for raising my wonderful husband for me! And he is just as crazy about Brinlee as I am.

So did I get pictures of the meal and friends and fun?? nope. To be honest I wasn't too proud of how it looked so why would I bother taking a picture? But I did have to snap one of Brinlee on her first Thanksgiving. And by the time I got one it was night so bad lighting, but stinkin' cute baby!

Look at her holding the pie pan with one hand and pointing at the pie like,
 "Can you believe Mom gave me all this?!"
or "This is my pie don't even think about taking it away!"
or "Look at this thing! And I get it!"
or "Can you believe I ate a slice that big?!"
or"FOR REAL?!"
or whatever you'd like to fill in 

And I wonder why she has such huge cheeks :)

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