Yup. Halloween time. In January...
Nana did a cute photo shoot of Brinlee Halloween day.
Too bad Brinlee wasn't really in the mood to smile!
A great shot of her costume.
I made the feet, beak, sleeves and gloves...although I wish I could take credit for the whole thing.
wooooh, don't fall over!
Just smelling Nana's flowers. Cutie.
why would they leave me here on this ledge??
Oh there's some happiness!! She just started cracking up. No idea what was so funny.
But it was ADORABLE!
(we had too zoom in a lot to get this close up, hence the blurry)
She also practiced her trick-or-treating skills....
First you go up to the door.
Then you knock on the door.
Oops. We forgot to teach her you don't go in...
That night we took her trunk-or-treating at the church.
She was very fascinated by this blow up ghost thing...
And she hung out with her vampire cousin Dominic :)
When we got home she had to dump out her goodies and see what she got!
And she was so nice to share a piece with me....while Nana stole some behind her back!
Overall I think she had a fun Halloween.
Thanks Brinlee for being the cutest owl EVER!