Friday, September 9, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

My sister Kim had her little boy Dominic blessed this weekend, look at how cute he is!

Joey and I were grateful that we were able to make it with how all over the place Brinlee has been.
She even got all dressed up for the occasion 

Everyone that was able to come

My Whole Family was able to make it out to Rexburg except for my Dad and my oldest sister Wendy. 
I guess this is the best picture or all of us just chillin at my apartment 

My niece Eden was SO excited to hold our little girl, she loves little babies! 

We just had to get a picture of Dominic and Brinlee next to each other because their size difference is so drastic for only two months apart. He's just so cute and chunky! But you gatta give her some credit look at that belly she's got :)

With all of the cousins together we just had to get a picture. It was so cute we were all cheering for Lahna because she was getting close to nap time and she was LOVING it!

I love this picture. 
Proud Grandma with FIVE grand kids!


  1. Cute pics. I wish I could have been there!

  2. I know we missed you! Hey you can come for Brinlee's blessing :)

  3. Thanks for doing a post of the weekend! I'm sooo behind in blogging I don't know where to start...I think I might just put a link to your post on my blog ;)

    P.S. That last pic is so cute! Mom looks super young...
